DevOps is the amalgamation of cultural ethics, practices, and mechanisms that increases an organization’s potential to provide applications and services at high velocity, developing and enhancing products at a faster pace than the organizations using conventional software development and infrastructure management processes. This speed empowers organizations to better serve their clients and play more successfully in the market. DevOps Leader Certification course focuses to convey, test, and validate knowledge of DevOps basic vocabulary, principles, and practices. DevOps Leader aspires to provide professionals with an understanding of basic DevOps concepts and how DevOps can be used for better communication, collaboration, and integration between software developers and IT operations professionals.
Module 1: An Introduction to DevOps Leader
Module 2: Transformational Leadership
Module 3: Unlearning Behaviors
Module 4: Becoming a DevOps Organization
Module 5: Measuring to Learn and to Improve
Module 6: Target Operating Models and Organizational Designs
Module 7: Articulating and Socializing Vision
Module 8: Maintaining Energy and Momentum
Module 9: Practice Exam